HTML Editor, CSS, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, Visual Basic, SQL, C++ and other languages source code


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Please note: We only link to Software related sites min Page Rank 5. No sites that redirect or have annoying pop-ups. No invisible links. Our link must be on a page of 40 links or less.

1. First, Copy and Paste the following HTML code into your HTML page. The page must be similarly accessible as our Links Page i.e. no more than 1 or 2 clicks away from your Home Page.

The link will look like this:

Professional Notepad - HTML Editor, Source Code Editor with the features you've always dreamt about.
Professional Notepad is an advanced tool that allows you view and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C++ and other languages source code.


2. Send your link details for inclusion in our Links Page. We will review your site within 24hrs; if successful your site will be added to our links page. Remember to fill in the "Reciprocal URL:" Box to give us the URL where you placed the link to us.

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