Aspose.PowerPoint is a java PowerPoint presentation reporting component. With it, you can:Read, change and save existing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations which support text placeholders, text frames and backgrounds without utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint; Read and change PowerPoint presentations via API;Preview slides and integration with Aspose.Pdf for Ppt2Pdf converting;etc.The latest version added new video clips as a link to a video file ;etc.
Platforms: windows Released: Sep 23, 2022
Java |
Download: aspose.com
This is a "tag" library to colorize the java code in your JSP page. It's also easy to add other languages in this tag library.
Platforms: Java Released: Sep 17, 2022
Java |
Bokai barcode image generator Java component is a barcode java bean (barcode control) that generates barcode images in PNG or JPEG format without requiring your web server (e.g., Apache with Tomcat) to run in graphics mode (i.e., without X-Window). Your regular HTML pages can embed a bar code image URL (pointing to the barcode sevlet or barcode JSP file) in an IMG element without programming necessary. The barcode generator can also be used to draw directly to a Graphics object (screen or printer) in desktop Java applications. It supports rotation, fonts, colors, text positions, method to save a barcode image to a file. It supports 25 barcode types and variants: Code 39, Code 128, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN 128, EAN 13, EAN 8, Code 93, Codabar, PostNet, ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5), 2 of 5, UPC-A + 2, UPC-A + 2, EAN-13 + 2, EAN-13 +5, EAN-8 + 2, EAN-8 + 5.
Platforms: linux, windows Released: Oct 28, 2021
Java |
Download: bokai.com
Keywords: JSP, image, gif, jpeg, png |
DataML is a web server extension that could be integrated in any JAVA enanbled web server. It provides a simple API to rapidly generate dynamic data driven charts, graphs and custom content, which will run on any standard Internet browser. DataML is a markup language designed to facilitate the creation of simple dynamic data driven reports with only few lines of XML code.
Platforms: Java Released: Oct 18, 2022
Java |
Keywords: Java, XML, Data, DataML |
Free Programming Java Resource Directory, Development Tools, Applets, Books, Tips and Tutorials, Websites and JSP/Servlet Resources that compiles and distributes Web Programming related Resources which are helpful for Webmasters, Developers and Programmers to enhance their Web sites and other applications.
Released: Oct 10, 2022
Java |
Keywords: Java, Scripts, Resources |
The Big Faceless Report Generator is a Java component for creating PDF reports from XML. The Extended Edition includes a PDF reader for importing & editing functionality. Using JSP, ASP, XSL or similar, creating dynamic PDF documents direct from a database is now as easy as HTML. Digital Signature, Tiff and Unicode support, spot & calibrated color, CSS2 stylesheets, float positioning, form fields and JavaScript. Tables, HTML style syntax, hyperlinks, Graphs & Charts, TrueType & Type1 fonts, encryption/password protection, OCR support & Barcodes. Min requirements JDK 1.2. and a SAX parser installed and running on the system. Free trial available for download.
Released: Nov 7, 2021
Java |
Download: big.faceless.org
Keywords: Source, document, download, pdf reporting, reporting software |
Aspose.PDF.Kit for Java is a Java Pdf document manipulating component which allows developers to Edit the existing pdf documents, such as appending and inserting pages, concatenating two pdf documents, splitting one file into two sub-files; Show and change the meta information of a pdf file, the information retrieved and changed involves Title, Subject, Keywords, Author, etc; Add Logo and watermark on the each page, the logo is a string of chars, the watermark is a print in Jpg, Gif or Png format; Encrypt or decrypt a pdf file with owner or user's password, the owner can change password and reset the security setting.The latest version added supporting auto form filler,added two getNextImage methods, etc.
Platforms: windows Released: Nov 4, 2021
Java |
Download: aspose.com
Jtpl is a template engine for Java Servlet which allows you to store your HTML code apart from your Java code.
A template engine is a software module which is used to generate HTML pages. The layout of a HTML page is defined within a template file, which can be designed by using a standard HTML editor. At run-time, the application program instructs the template engine to load the template, fill in variable values, repeat blocks and produce the final HTML page.
There are other template engines (like Velocity, WebMacro or Struts) which are huge and use complex template syntaxes.
Platforms: linux, windows, freebsd, osx, sun Released: May 25, 2022
Java |
Download: prdownloads.sourceforge.net
Nacho is an open source application server and rapid web development platform, ideal for producing business applications, content management systems, interactive content and custom web applications. It features a fourth generation template language and database abstraction layer to dynamically produce HTML, XML, JPEG, PNG, CSV, ZIP and other rich content types, not limited to text or HTML alone.
Platforms: Platform independent Released: Mar 5, 2022
Java |
Download: nacho.com
Keywords: Nachismo, Muck Around, MuckAround, Whopack, Jon Graf |
THis is a much fancier Snoop example than the factory default. It also shows session and other information. Also shows HTML Generation of Tables with a fancy magic method at the beginning.
Released: Jun 21, 2022
Java |
Download: objectpro.surfnetusa.com